Who are the Most Dangerous Alt-Right Figures?
A Who's Who of Hate
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Avi Yemini
Former IDF Sharpshooter. Banned from Facebook. Connected with the alt-right worldwide but in particular to Tommy Robinson of the UK.
Daisy Cousens
Outspoken Free Speech advocate and Political Commentator.
Dave Cullen
YouTube commentator and critic of Social Justice, Feminism and similar issues..
Alex Jones
Radio show host and conspiracy theorist. Runs a multi-million dollar fake news operation.
Brittany Pettibone
Youtuber and alt-right commentator. Major critic of immigration and refugees. Refused entry to UK.
Brooks Heatherly
Youtuber Troll and critic of Social Justice.
Candace Owens
Black Conservative Anti-Feminist and White Supremacy and Donald Trump Apologist.
Kaitlin Bennet
Infowars "Journalist", MAGA Troll and Gun Rights Activist.
Mark Dice
Involved in social media and youtube promotion of alt-right videos and information.
Mark Collett
Youtube critic and islamophobic broadcaster.
Owen Shroyer
Youtuber Troll and InfoWars "Journalist".
Paul Ray Ramsey
The New York Times has described Ramsey as a "popular alt-right internet personality" and Media Matters for America and The Forward called him a "White Nationalist".
Richard B. Spencer
A well known white supremacy figure and organizer of Hate Rallies with connections to Neo Nazism and KKK.
Steve Bannon
Bannon was a founding member of the board of Breitbart News and is former strategist to Donald Trump.
Tucker Carlson
Controversial Fox News Presenter and avid Trump fan and apologist.
Faith Goldy
Political commentator and Youtuber with pro-gun and white nationalist views.
Gavin McInnes
Far-right political commentator. He is the co-founder of Vice Media and Vice Magazine and host of Get Off My Lawn
Jordan Peterson
Anti-LGBTQ College Professor and Alt-Right Star who rose to fame by refusing to use gender specific pronouns on campus.
Lauren Southern
A Canadian darling of the Alt-Right. Outspoken critic of LGBTQ+, Refugees. Gun Rights advocate.
Stefan Molyneux
YouTuber who speaks on the topics of race and intelligence, multiculturalism, libertarianism, anti-feminism and immigration..
Steven Crowder
Right wing troll "Youtuber" who regularly visits college campuses to peddle division. Pro-Life, Pro-Gun and staunch anti-progressive rhetoric.
Amy Beth Dallamura
Better known by her online persona "Based Amy". A Far Right disruptor linked with Tommy Robinson and other hate figures. Recently made National News in the UK when she attacked the 'Trump Baby' Blimp with a Knife. Arrested and Charged.
Carl Benjamin
Carl Benjamin, better known by his online alias Sargon of Akkad, is a British political troll, YouTuber, and candidate for the European Parliament's South West England constituency in the 2019 election.
James Goddard
Street protester and rising figure in the far-Right movements of UK.
Jayda Fransen
Former deputy leader of Britain First, a far-right British fascist political organisation. Served as its acting leader for six months after incumbent leader Paul Golding was imprisoned in December 2016
Katie Hopkins
Infamous Islamophobic anti-immigrant and body shaming troll provocateur.
Milo Yianopolous
Fierce critic of Islam, atheism, feminism, social justice, and political correctness. Far-Right provocateur.
Nigel Farage
Euro MP and right wing architect of "Brexit", which has led to an increase of hate crime in the UK. Founder of UKIP, the far-right UK independence party. He has since started the "Brexit Party".
Paul Golding
Convicted and controversial co-founder of the racist "Britain First" Political Party.
Paul Joseph Watson
Youtube "journalist" known for anti-progressive and islamophobic stance. Linked to the banned "Infowars" organization.
Paul Weston
Far-right politician and a member of the Pegida UK leadership team. Activist and YouTuber.
Piers Morgan
Celebrity TV Presenter and alt-right provocateur who regularly questions trans and otherkin lifestyles.
Shane Brannigan
Street Thug and Vigilante known for his violent nature towards people he suspects of being Minor Attracted Persons. Known antagonist to British Police.
Tommy Robinson
Real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. A Convicted fraudster, criminal and prominent Islamophobic hate monger. Founder of the loutish and Banned EDL. Now involved with UKIP, the far-right UK independence party.